The Crew

Derrick is a man of many talents.  He’s one of the most likable men I’ve ever known, and he’s the kind of guy that lights up a room when he walks in. You know the type.  In his working life, he’s Vice President of Investments at Morgan Keegan in Griffin, GA.  In other words, he’s a financial adviser / stock broker.  He works very hard, managing lots of peoples’ life savings, and he’s great at what he does.  I promise I’m not biased.  At home, Derrick is a loving husband and father.  He’s a great match for me.  Though we are opposites, he challenges me, stands up to me, but is still kind and loving. He’s also great with our daughters, often teaching them things that I would never think of.  I can’t wait to see what a great teacher he’ll be as they get older and start playing sports.  Just in case you’re wondering, Derrick can also play the tuba, sing, act, dance, debate, play baseball, and he’s a dedicated volunteer at our church, serving nearly every Sunday.  A man of many talents.

Our oldest daughter, Elizabeth, is much like her mother. She is stubborn and strong-willed but also kind and sensitive. This year, she’s in a 5 half  day program at a local Christian preschool, and she really seems to be thriving in the classroom environment. I suspect that she will take after me and be a good student who enjoys learning.  At home, Elizabeth is quite the artist. She loves to paint, draw, color, dance, and sing. She has an endless imagination and spends hours playing school with her “kids”.  I hope and pray that one day, she will use her strong will and creativity to bring glory to God.

Layla may look more like me, but she definitely acts more like her daddy.  She is easy going, sneaky, adventurous, and quite silly.  She was pure joy as a baby.  She’s an all out two-year-old now, so I can’t say she’s pure joy, but she’s still that kid that’s so stinkin’ cute that you can hardly be mad at her when she does something wrong.  When she was diagnosed with a heart defect (coarctation of the aorta) one week before her due date, our lives changed forever.  This blog began as a way to update family and friends about her condition.  If you’ve never heard her entire story, I encourage you to read The Beginning.  It’s a miraculous story.  More than two years later, we are happy to report that Layla is a very healthy toddler.  Other than two small scars, you would never know she was born with a congenital heart defect.  She’s a living, breathing example of the Lord’s mighty miracles.
