
Star Provisions and Mother's Day 2010

Oh, Mother's Day. It's such a wonderful day, isn't it? Mothers (well, most mothers) are such amazing creatures. The Lord really made something special when he created moms. A mother is so many things. The word I think of most is sacrifice. Being a mother requires so much sacrifice. A mother gives nearly every ounce of time, energy, and love to her children. And we wouldn't consider doing anything else. Even though the kids rarely appreciate it, until they are grown and have their own children. We just keep on giving. And it's worth it. Every single bit.

I'm so glad we set aside a day to honor the mothers (and the like-a-mothers) in our lives. They deserve more than a day, of course, but for most of the moms I know, one day is enough. Most just enjoy hearing a "thank you" or a "you're doing a good job."

This Mother's Day was my third, and I had a great weekend. Derrick and I were supposed to go to the lake for a friend's 30th birthday, but as it turned out, we had to drive to Atlanta for a very serious mission. Elizabeth somehow left her blanket in a store while shopping for my Mother's Day gifts with her Daddy, Saturday morning. (Side Note: I have kept up with that thing for 3+ years. I know where the blanket it as at all times. I'm just saying.) We didn't realize the blanket was gone until nap time, at which point a MAJOR meltdown occurred, followed with profuse promises of going back to Atlanta to find the blanket immediately. So...since we already had a sitter coming, we decided to use it as an opportunity to go find the blanket (hopefully), followed by some shopping and eating, in honor of Mother's Day.

Mission accomplished. We found the blanket. It was just laying on a table in Star Provisions, next to some very beautiful dishes. I literally grabbed it and snuggled it and almost started crying. Sad, I know. I think I'm a little attached to blankie too. I was just so glad for Elizabeth. There is no telling what I would've had to come up with if we had not found it.

By the way, Star Provisions is my new favorite store. It's a boutique, of sorts. It's attached to a very nice restaurant, Bacchanalia. The boutique sells fresh cuts of meat and cheese, among many other things, but what I fell in love with were the wares! Oh my word. The prettiest white serving dishes. And such cute home accessories too. I absolutely love that store. If you haven't been, you need to go. Some of the prices are a little high, but most things were quite reasonable.

We went from there to dinner at Houston's, and then to Lenox, where we window shopped. We stopped at The Cheesecake Factory on the way home for takeout cheesecake. Sorry, Weight Watchers. We'll see each other again this week, but for Mother's Day weekend? I just couldn't. I can't imagine how many points are in a slice of Red Velvet Cheesecake.

And that was all the day before Mother's Day! I'm so blessed.

Today, I worshiped the Lord with the best body of believers, and then we ate yummy Mexican for lunch, which I had been craving. It's always so satisfying to eat something you've been craving, isn't it? We were supposed to have dinner with Derrick's mom and brothers, but it didn't happen, so the afternoon was kind of a bust. We wound up trying to buy hanging plants, but the girls totally broke down, so we left. I did get some good ideas for the plants, though, and I hope to have some up soon. Maybe I won't kill them. That's a big maybe. Oh - and the fanciest meal for Mother's Day? Dinner at IHOP. Funny, but it was yummy. Derrick never wants to go, so Mother's Day was my chance. =)

I hope all of you had a most wonderful Mother's Day. If you are not a mother, I hope you took time to thank your own mother or those women in your life who are like a mother. If Mother's Day brings up tough memories for you, due to the loss of your mother or possibly a miscarriage or the loss of a child, I pray you had some peace this Mother's Day.

I'm sure you're all wondering - so what did Derrick get you at Star Provisions, when he was shopping with Elizabeth?? The answer? So many fantastic and beautiful things. Here's a peek:

These really cute votive holders...

I'm kind of into birds right now, so...

I love, love, love white serving dishes...

I think I may be addicted to cake plates...

Just think of the possibilities. Cakes. Cookies. Really. Put a cloche or a cake dome on it and anything underneath looks special. Even birds...

I know. He really did too much. I honestly told him not to spend more than $100, but my husband never sticks to those limits. Never. I'm not complaining. I love my new house wares, and I can't wait to use and display them. One day, I hope to have a buffet for my breakfast room that will serve as a display as well. A girl can dream.

Happy Mother's Day!

Oh - and later this week, I will post about the most special gift I received. Hint: it was created by little hands.

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