
Pitter Patter

You're going to laugh at me. But, I don't mind. Want to see what makes my heart go pitter patter?

Here you go...


Yes, that's a box. But it's not just any box. It's the box. The box that contains my Christmas cards!! It also has some adorable invitations that I ordered for our annual Christmas party.

So, what will I be doing this weekend? Well, first, I'll be soaking in every inch of our Christmas cards. Making sure every detail is perfect. I told you I'm a bit of a stationery freak. And a perfectionist. I know.

The excitement of browsing through endless options of Christmas cards online, then designing one, then waiting for them to come in the mail, and then THEY ARRIVE!!

It's one of my very favorite parts of the Christmas season. Next to Jesus, of course.

And frankly, I'm pretty impressed with myself that I have my Christmas cards in hand, and it's only November 6th. That is definitely a first. To be quite honest, I did it to save $$. They website I ordered them from was offering 20 or 25% off, which was a pretty good deal. Maybe I'll be that person who is the very first to get my cards in the mail. Maybe I will mail them this weekend.

Would you believe I actually received a card a couple weeks ago? Seriously. It was October. I'm still not sure if they were just really late sending them last year, or if they decided to be funny and send them really early this year.

I promise mine won't go out until at least the first of December, but I will not promise that I'll wait until then to start addressing and stuffing the envelopes. I even bought my Christmas stamps already. Yes, I did.

Oh - and back to what I will be doing this weekend. Well, first I will be enjoying this nearly winter-like weather. It is really putting me in the Christmas spirit. I remember many a Christmas in the south where the high was in the 50s or 60s. Which I actually really enjoy. Many of you probably long for a white Christmas or want it to at least feel cold outside, but not me. I'll take a highs in the 50s Christmas any day.

I digress again. What I will also be doing this weekend is addressing the party invitations. I'd like to have those in the mail by the end of next week.

Okay then. I hope you enjoy your beautiful November weekend.

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