We traveled to my brother's house in Mississippi for the Easter holiday. I admit that road trips with two young children can be tough, but in the end, I believe they're worth it. I suppose it depends on the destination and the amount of fun had once reaching it. In our case - this weekend was definitely worth it. I had more fun hanging out with family than I've had in a long time.
We began the Easter fun on Friday morning at my Uncle Jay & Aunt Diana's house. Diana invited us over for an array of Easter activities. Her daughter, Meredith, was there with her four girls: Anna (10), Emma (7), and twins Maggie & Audrey (2). Diana's daughter-in-law, Virginia, also came and brought her daughter, Kennedy (13). Add to that my two girls, and my niece Anna Carson (5), and we had girls coming out the wazoo. First, the girls decorated Easter cupcakes, then they dyed Easter eggs, and then they had an egg hunt. Of course, there was also time for dress up and playing on the swings.
Then, on Saturday, we had the privilege of going to my Uncle Stephen & Aunt Melissa's house to visit with their 4 kids, my Papaw & Mary, as well as my Aunt Suzanne and her family. I wish I could post a virtual tour of my Uncle's house. They moved in a few months ago, and it is just beautiful. It's on a great street close to the school their children attend, and the street is full of other kids that go to school with them. It was such a warm and fun atmosphere. It made me wish I had something similar for my kids. Maybe one day...
While we were there, we had another great Easter egg hunt, and the girls did lots of dancing and playing. We also ate a great lunch, and in honor of my grandfather's birthday, I made him a special dessert, but I'll save that for another post. It's a story in itself. =) Here are pictures from Saturday.
On Sunday, we went to church with my brother's family. We've been to church with them several times. It's definitely more traditional than what we're used to, but I always enjoy the pastor's messages, and yesterday was no different. When I was younger, it was hard for me to enjoy worshiping at a church that was a different style than my own, but now...I remind myself that voices lifted to the Lord in praise are always beautiful to Him, no matter whether they are in a rock band or part of a choir. It's a blessing to gather with other Believers no matter where I am. Oh, and I can't forget that it's a bonus when it's a Baptist church and I get to sing "Just As I Am" and "Because He Lives". Here are some pictures from before church yesterday. The light-skinned one is my niece, Anna Carson. =)
I can't forget to mention how much fun Charlie had this weekend. My brother has a yellow lab, Archie, who is almost 3. The last time the dogs saw each other, Charlie was a little guy, so I wasn't sure how well Archie would take to him this time. Let''s just say there was absolutely nothing to worry about. The dogs never. stopped. playing. Never. You'll notice that their tongues are both hanging out of their mouths in this picture. That's because they were taking a break from wrestling. They spent the whole weekend either wrestling or looking like this. I'm so glad Charlie has a cousin to play with. Such a blessing!
I hope you and yours had a wonderful Easter. I pray you took time to thank our God for His amazing sacrifice that allows us to be in relationship with Him and to live forever in His presence. Amen.
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