
help for haiti

If your mind is like mine, you have been thinking about Haiti and how you can help. As I sat down just now to put a post up about Haiti, I came across several ways to help. So, my first thought is to tell you to do a little digging, and I bet you can come up with a way to help that resonates with your soul. If it doesn't resonate with your soul, you probably won't do it. This particular post is the one that I found most touching (so far), so I want to share. At the very end, there is a link to a post about how you can help.

I pray you will consider doing something. A tragedy of this magnitude can be overwhelming. I know it is for me. Sometimes it's hard to get motivated to help when the situation seems so foreign to us. I can hardly imagine the devastation that lies in Haiti. The best way I can personally connect is to think about the mothers of small children and what they and their kids must be going through. Sometimes I think my life is rough - even the last few days, I have been having a pity party. Shame on me. My life is heaven on earth compared to what these people are going through. Yours probably is too.

So do something. Take advantage of the resources that have been entrusted to you. Figure out what you can do to help.

Two scriptures come to mind.

Luke 12:48, from the Parable of the Faithful Servant, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded."

Haven't we all been given much?

The other scripture is a familiar one. Matthew 25:40, "The King will reply 'For whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' "

The Haitians are the poorest people in the world. I think they are definitely "the least of these brothers". What will we do to help?

And now from the Living Proof Ministries Blog (www.livingproofminitries.blogspot.com)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Real Deal.

Hello lady-friends!!!

It has been ages since I have been on the blog and I have missed you madly. I am so looking forward to seeing a handful of you this weekend in Houston! For now, I don't have time or space to fill you in on all that I have learned in my Seminary experience thus far (oh but I will!) but I want to introduce you to a friend of mine. I'm certain that I speak for all of us when I say my mind and heart have been utterly consumed with thoughts about and feelings for Haiti. This earthquake and its resulting devastation in one of the poorest countries of our global community has been one of the most horrific events to occur in my lifetime and it has rocked me emotionally. One of the most helpful outlets for me has been a family I am acquainted with through Moody Bible Institute who lives in Northern Haiti. The updates on their website have taken what has seemed like such a distant event and brought it home for me. The wife, Pam, is exactly my same age and we went to Moody at the same time. I did not know Pam well enough but what I knew about her was that her face lit up the halls. She had a quiet confidence about her and a smile that warmed my heart every time she passed by. And that is saying quite a bit considering it was -15 degrees most of the times we ran into one another. But back to Haiti- Pam, her husband Matt, and their two little boys have lived in Haiti for three years. They work for Fellowship International Mission and are involved in discipleship and sustainable development. Oh, and by the way, Pam is 36 weeks pregnant. Did I mention that they live in Haiti? As I told my Mom on the phone several days ago- these folks are the real deal. I contacted Pam at the end of the last week and asked if she would be willing to write a short blog for us. I thought there would be no way under heaven that she would have the time or energy to do such a thing but she did it. Pam, it is a privilege for us to read your story. I mean it.

Please meet Matt, Pam, Silas, and Luke.

And again:

Just a boy's life. An older picture I dug up from their website. Love it:

Look at her smile:

Pam's story:

It had been a long, tough week. My boys were sick and for eight straight days it seemed like all I did was clean up puke and diarrhea, heat another pot of water to give Luke a bath, change Silas’ sheets again, and hold my 8-month-pregnant-self together when I thought I just couldn’t stand one more stench. The rain didn’t stop all week, which meant when you don’t have a washer or dryer, my piles and piles of laundry were not going to get clean—or dry! I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for myself, and at age 27, it was one of those days when you just want your mom!

It was Tuesday, about 4:30pm. My boys were finally feeling better, the sun was shining, and my laundry was drying! My husband Matt took the boys over to the central park across the street while I caught up on a few e-mails. I quickly wrapped up my work and hurried outside to join them, anxious to get some fresh air. After about 20 minutes the boys and I headed back to the house. As we were climbing the stairs, the house began to shake. Having grown up in California, I knew the drill. I snatched up Luke in one arm, Silas in the other and hurried to get under the nearest doorway. As we stood there for what felt like a long time, I second-guessed myself, “Hmmm, the rules might not apply in Haiti. Maybe this doorway wasn’t such a good idea.” Thankfully, the shaking slowed, we were safe, and there was no apparent damage.

I started on dinner and called a friend who lives about an hour away. The phones were down. Matt tried to get online—internet was down too. Little did we know that family and friends back home were listening to breaking news of a 7.0 earthquake that leveled Port-au-Prince, and were now trying to contact us to no avail.

After dinner, Matt ran out to an Internet cafe with a satellite connection to see if he could find out any news. I bathed the boys, got them in bed, and waited for Matt to get back—I was anxious to hear. The look in his eyes when he walked in the door said it all. His face was pale and he blinked back the tears that filled his eyes. “It’s bad, Pam. It’s really bad.” We talked for a bit and then he headed back outside to talk with neighbors and friends. I retreated to our quiet bedroom, picked up my Bible and read Psalm 46—how perfectly fitting.

The next morning it became apparent just how deeply our community was hurting. In Haiti, Port-au-Prince is not just the nation’s capitol; it’s the nation’s heartbeat. Wipe it out, and it’s only a matter of time before the entire country goes down. Water, gas, food…Port-au-Prince supplies the population with nearly everything. Furthermore, everyone has family and friends in Port-au-Prince. Outside, groups of people huddled around small radios to hear the latest news reports. The few that have television made it available for others to watch. Neighbors were desperately trying to call loved ones—still no word.

Helpless. So much need; yet feeling so helpless. Our neighbors were feeling the same way. We are connected to resources that could help, but how? Matt and I sat down that evening and racked our brains for ideas. We wanted to help our community, but as we continued to hear reports from Port-au-Prince, it became apparent that loading up a vehicle and heading there was probably not the best idea. So, we began coordinating an effort to get much needed supplies to those who are in Port-au-Prince and who are in a much better position to help than we are. Supplies will be gathered in the Dominican Republic and distributed to organizations (orphanages, hospitals, etc.) so that they can stay on the ground and keep their doors open to help. (For more info on this you can see our website: www.highwaytohaiti.com)

I took the boys next door to see how our neighbors were doing. They brought me a chair, as they always do. No one was really in the mood to talk—I was glad because I wasn’t either. So I just sat with them. The matriarch of the family (affectionately known as “Big Mama”) was trying to call her son in Port-au-Prince as I watched my two play in the dirt. I knew she knew that I understood.

“Bondye pa renmen Ayiti” (God doesn’t like Haiti) is the word on the street. And though I know it is the furthest from the truth, I can’t blame them for feeling like that. From its beginnings as a slave colony, the people of Haiti have suffered and endured unimaginable tragedy, abuse and injustice. When you think things just couldn’t possibly get any worse in Haiti, they do. Time and time again, Haitians display their iron resilience, and somehow find a way to press forward.

These are the days they don’t prepare you for in Bible College. These are challenges I don’t remember hearing about in my missions classes. It was all so fun back then—translating the book of Jonah from the Hebrew text, studying the historical backdrop of Jeremiah, and understanding the literary structures in the Psalms. And yet, what do I say to my neighbor who believes that God has forgotten about them? And even if I knew what to say, who am I to say it? After all, I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clean water to drink, and…at the drop of a hat, I can get out of this mess and go back to the comfort of the US if I want to. If I offer them myself, I offer nothing. But if I offer them Jesus, I offer everything. For who better to understand their pain and suffering than He who endured the pain and suffering of the cross. Who better to comfort than the Father who watched his own son as he was crushed under the weight of the sins of mankind. Why He allowed it to happen? I don’t know. But in times like these, I can only cling to what I do know. And I know that He is good, and that His thoughts are higher than my thoughts, His ways higher than my ways.

On Tuesday, the boys and I will head back to the States. I hate to leave at a time like this, but baby #3 is soon to arrive! Matt will stay and continue to coordinate relief efforts for a few weeks. Please continue to pray for the people of Haiti. May they turn to the God of all comfort, to Christ the Savior, and to the Spirit who intercedes on our behalf.

Pam McCormick
Fort-Liberte, Haiti

The reason that I wanted us to hear Pam's story is three-fold. First, I want us to continue to pray fervently for all of those who live in Haiti. Including Pam and her family. Though she is heading back to the States this week to have baby #3, the entire family of five will travel back to Haiti several weeks after the baby is born. Second, I wanted to share their website www.highwaytohaiti.com with you so that you can stay informed firsthand with updates from folks who are on the ground in Haiti. Third, Matt's updates have dramatically helped me direct my giving; especially the post http://highwaytohaiti.com/2010/01/14/how-you-can-help/. I encourage you to read his posts from the entire past week.

I love you all so much. You are an amazing group of women.

"For Thou dost light my lamp; The LORD my God illumines my darkness... For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God..." (Psalm 18:28, 31a)


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