
momma told me: don't judge a book by it's cover

I'm learning a valuable lesson. One I probably should have learned by now. I probably did, but it doesn't hurt to learn it again. Maybe this time it will stick.

Don't judge a book by it's cover.

In all honesty, I'm not talking about books, although I'm sure this principle surely does apply to books. Unfortunately, I have zero time for reading these days, so I rarely even look at a book.

I'm talking about people.

Just because a man wears Justins (boots), it doesn't mean he's red. On the contrary. Just because a man wears skinny jeans, it doesn't mean I can't sit down and enjoy a conversation with him. And even more on the contrary, just because a girl looks like a hippie, it doesn't mean she smokes dope. In fact, she could be the most conservative young lady I've ever met.

It's kind of ironic, really. I don't want to be judged based on my clothing, or the appearance of my family. I'm married to a black man. I galavant around town with my little oreos (biracial kids). I'm sure people think all sorts of things about me. Of all people, you would think I would know better than to make assumptions about people based on their outward appearance.

I'm learning. Maybe this time I'll get it. I'm at least hopeful. Most importantly, prayerful that the Lord will continue to remind me to love all people, regardless of what they look like. I love to imagine the diversity in Heaven. I was reminded in a recent life group discussion that God wants unity, not uniformity. Isn't that cool?

Here's to open minds and loving our neighbors, regardless of their taste in fashion.

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