
i'm not that competitive

Really. I'm not. Some would argue otherwise, but in general, I don't care that much about winning or losing, and I get really annoyed with sore losers.


I just found out about a competition for a room design give-away. Seriously? Do you know how bad the bottom floor of my house needs some design help? We paid a designer to do the upstairs 18 months ago, but the down stairs? Whew. It needs some help. The problem is that it's too overwhelming and expensive, so I tend to give up before I even get started. This particular designer is very budget-friendly (so I've heard), so I'd really like to see what she would recommend!

Suddenly, I'm feeling quite competitive.

If you're feeling extra generous and would like to help me win, please visit the designer's blog by clicking HERE and leave a comment in my honor. Something like, "Lauren Lewis referred me to your site. Please design a room for her!" Just an example. I think the competition closes Friday morning, so there's no time like the present. Of course, if you'd like a re-design, I totally understand. I dare you to try and compete with me. If you win, I will never be your friend again, but hey - a new room might be worth it. I guess it's up to you to decide.

Just to show you how badly I need her help, here a few pictures of the rooms I would like help with:

I think my living room needs to most help. It's where we spend the most time, and I feel like I'd benefit most from enjoying this room. It's not terrible, but honestly, I don't like it. We need new furniture, for sure, but that will have to wait. In the meantime, I'd like help with window treatments, colors, pillows, creative toy storage options, and all the other details that make a room feel inviting and homey and beautiful.

The keeping room is another great option. The main issue I have in here is window treatments. What can I do with a window this big? I have no idea. Also, is the leaning bookcase totally out? If not, how can I make it look better?

And last, but not least, the breakfast room. It's a relatively large space, and it's awkward, so I never quite know how to fill it up. Window treatments again are an issue for me. What looks good on a bay window? I'd like a "piece" to hold dishes and such for the wall behind the high chair, but I don't know what type of piece would work best, or what color it should be. Bar stools? If so, what color? So many questions.

So...you see? There are options. Many options. If I don't win the competition, at least I've admitted to all of you that I need help. Maybe that will get me motivated to do something about it. We shall see. Now, go on over to Erica's blog, and leave a comment for me. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for spreading the word! So far you are tied for first - I think. We'll see what happens between now and the morning :)

    Regardless, maybe I can still be of help designing your rooms!

    Thanks again!
