
lent - success or failure?

Just kidding. I really don't think you can fail Lent. If you read this post, you know I gave up sweets, fried foods, and DVRing my soap operas for Lent. Yes, it was a lot. And no, I didn't stick with all of it.

The idea was to practice self control, in honor of Christ, and to think of Him and His sacrifice when I started jonesing for sweets or french fries. That worked for a couple of weeks. Then I totally caved and started eating what I wanted to eat again. So...I guess you could say I "failed" that part.

BUT...and it's a big but...I did stick with the DVRing thing, and I'm grateful for it. I used to waste so much time watching soap operas that I had recorded on the DVR. When it came time to consider what I needed to give up for Lent, this really was the one I felt most called to give up. I knew it would free me up to do things I really should have been doing all along, like reading my Bible. That old thing? Yes, that old thing. I knew God was calling me to pick it up, and most importantly, to make Him and His Word a priority in my life.

So since Lent began, I have been trying to make it a point to start reading the Bible first thing after the kids go down for their naps. No matter what else I have to do. I sit and read, journal, and pray. Then, if I have time, I move on to other things that have to be done.

I will admit that it is HARD. I haven't been perfect. There were a few crazy days where it just didn't happen, but for the most part, I am trying to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Some of you know what I'm talking about. We go to church, we love on people there, we sing, we might even raise our hands if we feel moved. We listen to the sermon, and almost every week, we vow that we will be more focused on God this coming week and make sure to set aside time for Him each day. He is, after all, the Giver of all time. If it weren't for Him, we wouldn't have this life or the ability to do all the things we have to do each day.

But, then what happens? Monday hits, and despite our intentions, there is just no time. Something comes up at work, and you have to work late to get everything finished. A friend calls and wants to get together for dinner. You eat two desserts at lunch, so then you have to spend an extra 30 minutes on the elliptical to make up for it. Life happens, and in order to get it all done, our schedules are so busy that there is very little, if any, time for God. Maybe we have time to pray, but sitting down to read for 30 minutes? No way. It sounds nice, but there's just not enough time.

Here's the most important thing I learned from Lent. There is never enough time. There will always be a million other things to do. If you're waiting until life slows down to make time for God, you will never do it. The time is now. If you believe Christ is your Lord and Savior, your life should reflect it. As is often said in church, you can tell a lot about someone's priorities by their check book and their calendar. What does your calendar look like? Who is most important?

I can promise you that you will not experience freedom in Christ, and you will not bear the fruit of His Spirit, unless you are spending time with Him and learning about Him. The more you do, the more you will want to, and the more you will reflect His likeness. Doesn't that sound good? Join with me, and make God a priority. Let's see what He will do in us and through us as we put Him at the top of our list and make time for Him every day.

**Random Alert**
Totally unrelated, but I have to tell you that we threw the best shower this weekend for my good friend, Lanie Beth. She's having a sweet baby girl in May, and we wanted to shower her with love and blessings in anticipation of Rowan's arrival. Here's a sneak peek, and I will definitely post more pictures as I get them. I was so busy that I really didn't have time to take many pictures, but several friends are sending some, and I will definitely post them. Until then, here you go...

1 comment:

  1. Lanie Beth SinclairApril 14, 2010 at 1:04 PM

    Great post about lent! Very convicting! In the best possible way :)
