
'round the lewis house

Hello! We're leaving for vacation this afternoon, so I'm busy packing, baking cookies, bathing girls, and doing all the other things that have to be done before one leaves home for 11 nights. But...I wanted to share a few pictures of the things that have been going on 'round the Lewis house this last week.

Father's Day was interesting. Derrick had to go to the ER Friday night. We aren't sure if it was an allergic reaction or an anxiety attack (apparently the same hormones are produced, so it's difficult to tell), but either way, he spent the rest of the weekend recuperating. So...we gave him his gifts on Sunday, and we went out to lunch, but he wasn't feeling 100%, so it was difficult to truly celebrate. We'll have to make it up to him when he's feeling better! I did manage to get one good picture of him and the girls.

And I tried to take more pictures of the girls, but they started running in circles and being really silly, so this is what I got:

The other exciting thing that's been going on 'round here this week is swimming lessons. For some reason, I decided to sign both of my kids up for a Water Babies class at The Swim Center. This particular company came highly recommended, especially for younger ones.

Well, as of today, we are finished with our Water Babies class. After a week of torture, Layla hates the water more than she did a week ago. BUT...Elizabeth is doing very well! In fact, I think she wants to take the next level class in July. So, I guess it was worth it. Even if Layla had to cry a lot.

In one week, Elizabeth learned how to hold her breath, dive down and pick up toys from the bottom of the pool, swim to the wall and pull up, float on her back, and she even jumped off the diving board with her teacher yesterday. (There's no need to mention the fact that she puked two different days - right in the pool.)

It's been an eventful week, to say the least. Thank goodness we leave today for a much-needed vacation. We'll have time with family and then time to just relax at the beach house. Unfortunately, there's oil in the ocean and on the beach. It's a true shame. At least we'll have plenty of time to pray for all of those (people and animals) affected by this terrible situation.

We hope you have a very happy Independence Day!

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