
sweet sherry

I know you may be expecting a post about our vacation, and I will probably do that soon, but I have to write today about my friend, Sherry.

Sherry and I serve together on the hospitality team at church. We've probably known each other for a year now. She's been an inspiration since the day we met. She has an incredible testimony, and she's always willing to share it. She has a heart that's on fire for the Lord, and she's one of those people that you cannot have a conversation with without knowing that she loves Jesus. But in a good way. The best way. You can see it in her eyes. You can feel it in her spirit. She's grateful that He called her, and she wants the world to know. And if you think you've got a story or a past, you should just meet Sherry. Because she's done it all. Alcoholism. Abuse. Witchcraft. These are just a few things that are part of her testimony.

But, just as Jesus does, He saved Sherry from the life she was living and made her a new creation. I'm not sure how long it's been, but not more than two years. She's been a picture of transformation and life change ever since. A beautiful picture. Inside and out.

Sherry's husband, Dale, died of what they thought was a massive heart attack this past Saturday, July 3rd. They had just been talking, he went outside to put some steaks on the grill, and within minutes, she went back out and found him lying on the ground. Already gone.

As it turns out, it was a pulmonary embolism.

Can I just tell you that sweet Sherry has become even more of an inspiration to me? Yes, she cries. Yes, she's in shock. But she has remained strong in her faith, and even on the toughest days, she has been able to praise God and say "He is enough". During the memorial service today, she stood and held her hands high in praise to the Lord, as we sang "How He Loves" (more on that song another day). She's allowing God the glory He deserves, because she knows that even though this is the hardest thing she's ever been through, she has a Savior that's bigger and stronger. A Savior that suffered and died so that she and Dale don't have to. You and I don't have to. Sure, we die here on this earth, but faith in Jesus and a relationship with Him ensures that we live on for eternity in heaven. Sherry has peace, because she knows that Dale is in heaven with Jesus, her Lord. His Lord.

And let me just tell you a little bit about Dale. I didn't know him well, but I have learned some over the last couple of days. Before he retired 7 months ago, he was a Command Sergeant Major for the National Guard, the highest rank possible for an enlisted man. He was one of the best military recruiters in the state of Georgia. He was influential in hundreds of soldiers' lives. He loved them and cared for them, and many of them were there today to honor him. I'm very uneducated about the ranks and such in the military and what honor is given to what type of person, but I believe he was given a full military burial. There were guns and salutes and lots of American flags. It was beautiful. Interestingly enough, the vast majority of us at church had no idea Dale was so important, or that he had served our country in such a huge way. He was so humble that he didn't even talk about it. Amazing. From what I've heard, he was also an incredible father, husband, and brother. He will be missed.

Oh - and I forgot to tell you that Dale just recently surprised Sherry with a new wedding ring and a renewal of their wedding vows for their 20th anniversary. Is that not the sweetest thing? What a precious memory that Sherry will now hold even more dear, I'm sure.

I don't know about you, but funerals have a way of making me reflect on my life - how I'm living, my relationship with the Lord, and how grateful I am for my family. Life is so short. None of us are guaranteed another minute. Do you live your life to reflect the fact that you could go at any time?

Let's let Sherry and Dale's story be encouragement. To love deeper. To not take things for granted. And to give God the glory He deserves.

Thank you, God, for your saving grace. Help me to live a life that reflects you and your love. And thank you for my family. Teach me to embrace every moment of the short time I have on this earth and to live my life in a way that brings you glory. Amen.

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