
'Round Here

I've got a myriad of topics in my head to post on, but I've also got lots of pictures I've been wanting to share. So, for today - here are a few pictures of what's been going on 'round here.

Elizabeth started K3 at Eagles Landing Christian Academy (ELCA) four weeks ago. She wears uniforms! They are so cute. I have to say that I really enjoy waking up and not having to worry about deciding what she's going to wear. We have a few choices, but they're very limited (in a good way), so it makes getting dressed quite easy. The hardest thing we have to decide is crew socks or knee socks (who doesn't love a girl in knee socks?!).

While Elizabeth is at school (three mornings a week), Layla and I have had lots of time to hang out and play. One of her favorite things to do is slide. A couple of weeks ago, she decided she wanted to slide buck naked. (Or is it butt naked?) I told her she was going to get stuck, but she didn't believe me!

Elizabeth also started gymnastics and dance. She goes once a week and has 30 minutes of tumbling/gymnastics, 15 minutes of ballet, and 15 minutes of tap. She seems to be enjoying it. I'll have to admit that she's not as good at it as I thought she would be. She loves to dance so much, and I really thought she'd be a natural. I've already been dreaming about her performing on the 300th season of So You Think You Can Dance. I promise not to be one of those moms who pushes her kid into doing something she doesn't love. As much as I would love to live vicariously through her as a dancer, she will have to develop the love (and skill) on her own. In the meantime, she looks pretty darn cute in her tutu.

We've also been cooking a lot. I had a chance to make cupcakes for a lingerie shower that my friend, Lanie Beth, was throwing. She wanted yellow cupcakes with a buttercream icing, tinted pink, and white crystals of sugar sprinkled on top. My first step was to find a good buttercream. I've tried so many, even Martha's, and I just haven't liked them. Then, I found this one. It is fantastic. It's light and fluffy but still has a good flavor to it. I made a practice batch for our family, and the girls really enjoyed being my taste testers.

In other fun news, we had a family photo shoot last week. Shauna from {two}chics photography met us in downtown Macon for the shoot. Layla decided it would be a good time to assert her independence, so she wouldn't sit with us or stand with us or hug us. She was a huge ham in her solo shots, though. I can't wait to see the pictures, and I'll share the final pics as soon as I get 'em. Until then, here's a sneak peek of the girls in their KidBodies outfits (not the ones they wore in the family shots, but still super cute). I took this picture myself, so I'm sure Shauna's will be WAY better. (Oh - and if you'd like to see one of the pictures she took, I found it on Shauna's blog. Look for #6 on the list of 10 Little Things).

After buying Layla a pair of high top Converse for our photo shoot, I decided she looks so cute in them that she's going to wear them as much as possible. She can be my little rock star. Elizabeth is my girly girl who I have to beg to wear anything besides a dress. Fingers crossed that Layla will give in to my persuasion and become fond of skinny jeans and thrift store t-shirts. =)

Okay - that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed catching up on what's been going on 'round here. See you soon (with less pictures and more content - I promise!).

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I went to ELCA too :)!
    I was just checking up on you and your blog and saw your daughter in uniform...brings back memories :). I didn't have to wear the uniform until 10th grade, I think. Like you said, it is nice not worrying about what to wear :)
