
This is the day

First, I'm sorry this is so late.  Heck, it's almost time for our mid-June memory verse.  I'm going to predict right now that I will always be late posting memory verses from this point forward.  In fact, I'll probably be late for every single thing I ever do.  Ha!

Having three kids means there's even less time for blogging!  Actually, I just choose to spend my time differently.  Much of my time is usurped by my two older children during the day.  When they are quiet during nap time, and when they go to bed at night, I am finding that I'd much rather hold my baby than check email, clean, blog, or just about anything else.  I know you mothers out there understand, especially if you're a mother of more than one.

Anywho.  Today's memory verse.

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Simple.  Short.  But for me?  Right now?  Crucial.  I'm finding that my days are kind of tough.  I predict a post about that in the near future.  Until then, let's just say this new normal is hard for me.  It's exhausting, mentally and physically.  And emotionally.  I am tempted to throw a pity party.  Pretty much every day.

Instead, I'm going to use this verse as a daily reminder that even though today may be hard, today is the day the Lord has made.  He has given it to me as a gift.  My response is a choice.  Feel sorry for myself.  Or choose to accept His gift and give Him the response He deserves.  To rejoice.  Because even on a hard day, I am lavished with His blessings.  I can choose to be glad.  Or should I say that I'm going to try to be glad.

I find it much easier to memorize a verse if I have a song to go with it, so here's a link to a sweet video of an adorable little boy singing the song that goes with this verse.


Praise the Lord for parents who are teaching their children to worship the Lord by singing His Word!

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