

So it's been a week, and each day I've been wanting to sit down and do a recap of Crave, but it just hasn't happened. It's been a busy week. They all are. As I type, Layla is playing behind me (slowly crawling my way, I might add) and Elizabeth is talking in her bed, but I just have to get this post finished. I want to let y'all know how awesome it was!

And it was. Awesome. Truly awesome, in the Biblical sense. It was worthy of awe. Well, I shouldn't say "it". God was worthy. He showed up, and He was awesome. How did He show up? Let me tell you.

1. He came to the house on Friday and helped me decorate the cupcakes. There's no way I would have finished it all without Him (and Ms. Emma). Not a chance.
2. He came to Momentum, in the form of Jodi and Mandy, who unexpectedly helped our hospitality team pull it all together, just in the nick of time.
3. He multiplied the cupcakes, because there's no way we had enough for all those women.
4. He brought all those women!! (135)
5. He sang and played the instruments for the women on stage. They rocked it.
6. He spoke through Melissa as she hosted, making everyone feel so welcome.
7. He sent his message through Lanie Beth, and it was a powerful message, full of His Word, and full of encouragement to become women who know and love Him and are worthy of being called His daughters and His friends.

And those are just a few of the ways He showed Himself to me. I know He showed Himself to so many others along the way. It was a great night, and I'm looking forward to the next one for sure. I'm not quite sure what we'll do for dessert, because I'm afraid it will be hard to top the gourmet cupcakes, but I know He'll show me something that will make the women feel special. That's the goal, right? To create an environment where every woman who comes through the door feels welcomed, treated, special, and loved, which will hopefully open their hearts so they can truly experience God and see that He is it. He is what we Crave.

I've posted pictures below. By the way, I have to say thanks to Marcia Greer for making the Banana Pecan and Chocolate Chip cupcakes and to Cindy Schade for making the Yellow Buttermilk cupcakes with teal icing. They did a lovely job. I also want to thank the girls that helped with setup, serving, and cleanup: Marcia, Je-Nita, Mandy, Jodi, Debbie and others. They were a great team! Oh - and a final note. What do you think about the name Crave for the bakery I'm going to open one day? It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I wonder if that would be a copyright infringement.

Last, but not least, I have to show a picture of Elizabeth. She helped me make and decorate the coconut cupcakes. She was awesome! A little baker in the making.


  1. Holy moly, those cupcakes look AMAZING! And Elizabeth is just so beautiful!

  2. I absolutely love the name Crave for a bakery, or cupcakery. Super cute! Those cupcakes look great and I was so bummed to miss Crave. You are awesome!

  3. Thank you...

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