
Daddy's Day Surprise

It's not quite Father's Day yet, but I want to show y'all what I did for Derrick for Father's Day.  I managed to surprise him, which is VERY hard to do, especially for me, because I am the worst liar in the world, and I don't like to keep secrets.  But, I pulled one off.

Derrick moved into a new office a while back, and he mentioned to me several times that he needed some help getting it decorated.  He even had our friend, Meredith, who is an interior designer, come out and look at his office, but they never went forward with anything.  He quit mentioning it to me, so I kind of forgot that his office needed some work.

Until I saw a picture of Derrick standing in front of some bookshelves in his office.  Oh my word.  I wish I could find that picture now.  The computer gnome who sits at my computer when I'm not looking and deletes things must have deleted it, so I cannot find it, but trust me - those bookshelves were sad.  When I started thinking of something to do for Derrick for Father's Day - I had the bright idea that I should decorate his bookshelves.  I quickly realized I didn't have a clue how to do that and that I should enlist help.  Luckily, Meredith was willing to help, and she had great ideas.

After a lot of secret emails and covert operation phone calls, oh and lies that I told Derrick in order to get out of the house, we were all set to go to his office last night and transform the bookshelves.

Here's a picture of the bookshelves as they were when we got there.  Sad.

And here's a picture of the finished product.

Lovely, right??  Didn't Meredith do a great job?  She went with a Ralph Lauren feel, dark masculine tones, silver accents and picture frames.  Side note: the white dog is going to be painted a darker color.  We just haven't gotten to it yet.  Oh, and please excuse the low res photos.  I, of course, forgot my camera, and these were the best photos we could get with the camera on Meredith's phone.

The most exciting part about all of it?  Derrick had no idea!!  Oh, and he loved it too.

Mission accomplished.

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