
Couch 2 5K?

So I've heard a lot of talk about the Couch 2 5K program.  Until today, I pretty much gave it zero thought.  Several friends have started it.  Derrick even talked about it.  And I thought, "Good for you.  I'll stick with my elliptical at the gym."

But then a few days ago, I was up early and walked outside with the baby.  I sat down in a chair and remembered what it felt like to be up before the kids, exercising in the cool of the morning.  I only know what that feels like because of a brief period in my life when I worked as a camp counselor for Camp DeSoto, a wonderful Christian girls' camp in Mentone, AL.  My journey there is a whole story on its own, but suffice it to say, when I was in charge of that many kids and working with them all day every day, exercising in the early morning became my release.  My rejuvenation.  My escape.  My time for me and God.  My quiet.  It started with me walking, because I've never enjoyed jogging, but gradually I built up to where I was jogging about a mile each time I went.  My co-counselor and I had to alternate days, so I was probably jogging 1 mile, 3 days a week.  When I came home from camp, I no longer needed that escape in the mornings, so I quickly got out of the habit.  That was 10 years ago.

Which brings me back to sitting in the chair outside the other morning, remembering what it feels like to be up before the kids, exercising.  Alone.  Quiet.

It dawned on me that my life now is fairly similar to the way it was when I found solace in jogging.  I do kids all day, every day.  Perhaps it would be good to get up early in the morning and go for a run.

So, wasting no time, I got up this morning.  Saying I ran would definitely be a stretch.  I felt like I was moving in slow motion.  My legs felt like lead.  I have felt that way before, pretty much every time I tried to jog, and that's why I didn't continue.  Each leg felt like it weighed 100 pounds.  It was nearly impossible to keep them moving.  But I just alternated between walking and slowly jogging.  I found myself very grateful that I did not have a jogging partner and that anyone watching out their window would have no idea if I were still jogging after I went around the curve and was out of their sight.  As if anyone was up @ 6:30am watching the joggers.  =)

My legs hurt tonight.  But I feel good about what I did this morning.  It motivated me to do some research on the Couch 2 5K, and it looks good.  I think I'll try it.  Maybe telling you about it will keep me accountable.  The program is designed to get a person off the couch and within 9 weeks, have them running/jogging 3 miles, 3 times a week.  It's a 30 minute, 3 day a week workout, and it seems to be set up so that anyone can do it.  We shall see.

I will officially start next week.  If I stick with the program, I should be able to run 3 miles by the end of September.  If I can do it, I will be very impressed.  And hopefully a good bit thinner.  Ha!

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