
August Memory Verse

Hello, friends.  I know, I know.  I'm 3 days late.  Not too shabby, if you ask me, considering I am taking care of three kids.  How long can I use that excuse?  Surely at least a while longer.

Seriously, though.  It is busy around here!  Elizabeth started school this week.  She's in 4K at ELCA, a local Christian school.  She's going 5 half days.  So far, she seems to really be enjoying things.  Bless her heart.  She's just like her mommy.  Loves school.  Loves to to be a helper.  I'm so very grateful for a child who loves school.  I pray it never changes.

I was originally planning to keep Layla in the same Mom's Morning Out program that she attended last year, but we had our orientation this morning, and I left there just not feeling right.  There's nothing they did wrong.  It's a great program for a great price.  I don't know.  You know how sometimes it's just like you know something in your soul?  That's how I felt when I left this morning.  So, I called another local preschool and signed her up for preschool.  It's 3 half days, and she will actually be learning, rather than just playing, and I'm pumped about it.  She is too.  Hopefully she'll still be pumped when I drop her off Friday morning.  Eek!  My baby is in preschool?  What?  How can that be possible?

For your viewing pleasure, here's a picture of Layla with 2 month old Josiah.  How chunky is he?  I'm loving it.  And yes, Layla has quite a fro going on.  I do comb her hair (usually) before going out in public.

Moving on.  For our memory verse, I'd like to do something different.  There's no particular verse on my heart today.  Instead, I'd like for you to pick up your Bible, or go to one online, such as www.biblegateway.com, and read Job 38:1-42:6.  That's a little over 4 chapters, but I'm telling you, it is good stuff.  To give you a little context, you're jumping into the story after Job has been whining to/about God for 37 chapters.  A few of his friends try to make him see the error of his ways, but they are not successful.  When you pick up in 38, God has decided to speak, and the whole exchange is off the chain.  Seriously.  Read it.  If you ever thought you knew something or had a foot to stand on in front of the Lord, you won't after reading it.  I love how He puts Job in his place, and of course, we are right there with Job.  Please read it.  Even if you've read it before.  It's a good read.  Probably one of my favorite passages in the OT (so far).

If you're like me (ahem, anal retentive) and need a verse because you are planning to memorize 24 verses this year, and there's nothing wrong with being like me, here's my favorite one liner from the passage.  It's from The Message.  (Oh - I kind of suggest reading the whole passage in The Message.  I like the NIV too, but The Message reads very well.  If you don't have a copy of The Message, go buy one, but before you do, use an online Bible and read the scriptures I suggested.)

Okay - my fav.

Remember, this is God talking to Job.

"Do you have an arm like my arm?  Can you shout in thunder the way I can?" Job 40:9 (The Message)

Is that awesome, or what?  Do you have an arm like my arm?  My word.  Just think of the Lord's arms.  The strength.  The breadth.  The embrace.  The imagery is amazing.  And then...can you shout in thunder?  I love that.  What more can I say?

Happy reading, my friends.

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